JS30 學習筆記連結目錄

另外在 Facebook 社團 線上 Node 讀書會 中有由 @Yujin Chne 主辦的線上讀書會,由
@技安 協助提供社群和直播軟體與錄影,如果想要獲得更多相關資訊的話,歡迎前往該讀書會。這裡也附上由@Yujin Chne整理好的影片連結。
我覺得 JS30 真的是非常好的 JS 練習,關於 JS30 的說明可以參考 這一篇(JS30 系列 Day0 - 課程說明) ,下面列的是個人的學習筆記,如果有錯誤的部分歡迎告知:
- [Day1] JavaScript Drum Kit
tags: 偵測鍵盤, key, 播放音效, audio, class manipulation, 操作 class, transitionend - [Day2] CSS + JS Clock
tags: 時間, time,CSS操作 - [Day3] Playing with CSS Variables and JS
tags: CSS Variables, CSS變數, data-attribute - [Day4] Array Cardio Day 1
tags: Array, 陣列, filter, map, sort, reduce - [Day5] Flex Panels Image Gallery
tags: flex - [Day6] Ajax Type Ahead
tags: JS30, AJAX, Fetch, regex, match, replace, 正規表達式, 資料篩選, 資料過濾, filter - [Day7] Array Cardio Day 2
tags: Array, 陣列, some, every, find, findIndex - [Day8] Fun with HTML5 Canvas
tags: canvas, 繪圖 - [Day9] 14 Must Know Dev Tools Tricks
tags: chrome, devtool, 開發者工具 - [Day10] Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes
tags: checkbox, shift, key, multiple, select - [Day11] Custom HTML5 Video Player
tags: HTML5, video player, video element, mediaElement - [Day12] Key Sequence Detection (KONAMI CODE)
tags: slice, join, array - [Day13] Slide In on Scroll
tags: scroll, detection, 捲軸, 滾動, debounce, 投影片效果 - [Day15] LocalStorage and Event Delegation
tags: localStorage, custom checkbox, 客制化checkbox, event delegation - [Day16] CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect
tags: mouseevent, mousemove, offset, 陣列解構賦值, Object Destructing, coordinate - [Day17] Sorting Band Names without articles
tags: sort, regex, 省略某些關鍵字後排序 - [Day18] Tally String Times with Reduce
tags: Array-like to Array, 時間累加, dataset, 秒數轉時分秒 - [Day20] Native Speech Recognition
tags: AI, contenteditable, note style, 語音辨識 - [Day27] Click and Drag to Scroll
tags: coordinate system, drag, 座標系統